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Implementation of the international norms on human rights in Legislation

Implementation of the international norms on human rights in Legislation

Sokhumi State University

Faculty of Law and Diplomacy


International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 70th Anniversary of  The Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949

Implementation of the international norms on human rights in Legislation 
Tbilisi December 4  2019
Conference Organizing Team Address:
Anna Politkovskaya 61, Tbilisi, Georgia

Conference Topics:

1. Implementation of  The Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 and its Additional Protocols, Theory and the Court Practice.

2. Historical, Theoretical and Legislative aspects of  Implementation of International Norms on Human Rights.


The purpose of this Conference is Promotion of the views on The Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949, Analysis of the Court Practice and Development of human rights protection with  exchange Domestic and International Law views



Organizing Team:

Zurab Khonelidze –Chairman of the Organizing Team,  Rector of  Sokhumi State University, Doctor of Political Sciences; 

Vepkhvia Gvaramia -  Vice- Chairman of the Organizing Team , Acting  Dean of  Sokhumi State University Faculty of Law and Diplomacy, Head of the Department of International Law, Professor;  

Reinhard Pauling – European Comparative Law , Member of the department of European Scientific Society; Professor;

Avtandil Khazaliya - Head of the Department of Public Law of Sokhumi State University Faculty of Law and Diplomacy, Professor;

Lali Gabisonia - Head of  Law  Clinic of Sokhumi State University Faculty of  Law and Diplomacy, Head of the Fundaments and methods of Law Department , Professor;

EdisherPhutkaradze – Head of the Criminal Law Department of Sokhumi State University Faculty of Law and Diplomacy,  Professor ;

Asmat Gugava -  Head of Quality Management Department of Sokhumi State University Faculty of Law and Diplomacy, Head of  the Department of Private Law, Associate Professor;

Gimze Alania - Head of the Criminalistics Laboratory of  Sokhumi State University Faculty of Law and Diplomacy

Mariam Gergedava – Assistant of  Criminalistics Laboratory of  Sokhumi State University Faculty of Law and Diplomacy

Work Presentation Procedure:  

·                 The work should be presented in electronic format as a Microsoft Word document;

·                 The presented work must include name, surname, scientific rank, scientific degree, contact data and email address of the author;

·                 The work should be relevant to the theme of the conference;

·                 The title and annotation of  the paper must  not exceed   100-120 words and   should be presented till November 29, 2019 in  English language (for the Georgian language speakers, the paper can be presented in the Georgian language); the papers should be sent to the following address:

·                 The scientific work should consist of    7 - 15 pages;

·                 Conference work  should not be published previously;

·                 The deadline for submitting the conference materials is January 20, 2020.

·                 The electronic version of the paper should be submitted at:

Technical  Requirements for the work:

·                 Annotation and work should be written in the Georgian and English languages and typed in  ​​  Sylfaen-11, Scholar Sylfaen 9 - Font .

·                 Foreign scientists’ papers and annotation should be written in English only (The Organizing Team  will provide the Georgian translation of the papers).

·                 Speakers, who are citizens of Georgia, should write their annotation and work   in the Georgian and English languages;

·                 The line pitch of annotations and scientific work should be medium   (spacing 1, 5);  

·                 Allocate the paragraph by pressing the TAB – key; 

·                 Figures, tables  and diagrams should be   produced  in JPEG format;

·                  in the annotation and   the text of the scientific  work margin rectification and  correction should be used;   margin size should be 2,0 mm; 2,0 mm; 2,0 mm.;

·                 The references used in the footnotes of the paper should be made in the original language in the following  manner:In case of books, an author or authors or editor, publisher, city, edition year, page must be indicated;In case of  an article,   title   of the article,   the author or   authors, the title of the edition, number of the edition, year and page must be indicated;In case of the Internet material, the author or the authors, heading of the information / article should be indicated; In case of using a legal act, the title and the requisites should be indicated;In case of application of the court practice, the name of the court, the date of receiving the  ruling of the court and the name of the case   should be indicated, in  case of existence of that letter the number of the case should also  be   indicated;

In case of non-compliance with the theme of the conference, the presented papers are not    considered;

 Presented works will be published in English and Georgian languages ​​After finishing the Conference. The publication is provided by the Faculty of Law and Diplomacy from the common budget of the University.

For other issues related to the conference, Please contact

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